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Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. ~~Acts 5:42~~

201 Discovering Spiritual Maturity

Have you completed the 101 class--Discovering Church Membership (getting to know more about St. Andrew's)? Well, have we got great news for you!! You are now fully qualified and eligible to sign up for the next step: 201 Discovering Spiritual Maturity.

Why attend? Spiritual Disciplines are great ideas but are also those things we tend to neglect when we get busy. Prayer, daily reading of the Bible, daily dialogue with God--tools to help is through our busy lives.

The CE Ministry Team has secured several dynamic and energetic leaders to help. If you have any questions or need more information about the class, please call the church or contact Pearl Jones, Angie Bailey or Speed Massenburg.

Date: TBA

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posted by Coleman @ 9:27 PM,

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